There was a District 3 candidate forum at my neighborhood elementary school a couple of weeks ago--the school that Chesapeake thought was OK to put at risk so that my neighbors would not be deprived of their rights to mineral profits. It was on a Tuesday night and was locally advertised by email to the two neighborhood associations involved.
There were quite a number of people in attendance, and all seven candidates showed up to speak. At the end of the evening's speeches I noticed Kevin Strawser, the latest Chesapeake spokesman, leaving his seat in the middle of the auditorium. He departed the building without speaking to any of the candidates or anyone else in the room.
A few nights later, at a District 3 forum at Lost Creek Golf Club, another industry representative, Walter Duuease of XTO, did the same duty. He came quietly, said not a word during Q&A, and left after the speeches.
Why do you think CHK and XTO are so interested in the District 3 City Council race?
I don't happen to know what Brian Eppstein looks like, but I wouldn't be surprised if he also attended these forums. On the other hand, maybe he just sends one of his people instead.